Need to be away from your phone but only want certain calls forwarded?

Selective Call Forwarding allows you to specify which telephone calls follow you to another pre-selected telephone number using a Call Screening List.

The Call Screening List compares the number from which a call originates against a list of numbers you choose for special treatment. The special treatment forwards the selected calls to a different number.

To turn on Selective Call Forwarding

  1. Pick up the receiver and listen for dial tone.
  2. Press “*63” (1163” for users with rotary dial users).
  3. Follow the instructions for establishing a list, adding, or deleting numbers from your Call Screening List.

To turn off Selective Call Forwarding

  1. Pick up the receiver and listen for dial tone.
  2. Press “*83” (1183 if you don’t have Touch-tone service).
  3. Follow the prompts:
  • To turn off the service but save list, follow the instructions and hang up.
  • To turn off the service and remove all numbers on the list, press “08” and hang up.