Foremost Internet Network Disclosure Foremost manages its internet network to deliver the best possible internet experience to all of its customers. We use reasonable network management practices that are consistent with industry standards and use tools and technologies that are minimally intrusive. Network Management Foremost uses various tools and techniques to manage its network, deliver its service, and ensure compliance with its Acceptable Use Policy. Network management activities may include identifying spam and preventing its delivery to customer email accounts, detecting malicious internet traffic and preventing the distribution of viruses or other harmful code or content. However, Foremost cannot guarantee that it can prevent all instances of spam, viruses, security attacks, network congestion, or other actions or conditions which may adversely affect service. Customers are cautioned to purchase their software from commercial vendors to meet their internet security needs. Foremost has not established a monthly data usage cap for its customers. We do monitor usage, however, and we regularly review accounts with uncommonly high usage relative to all other accounts to ensure that such accounts have not been subjected to cloning, unauthorized access, breached security, or unlawful activity. As part of our review, we may contact account holders to inquire about usage and may take or require actions to correct problems such as security, class of use, or unlawful activity. Content Access Foremost provides its customers with full access to all lawful content, services, and applications, and in no event shall discriminate among customers on the basis of the type of content, applications, services or devices which the customer uses. In cases where these tools and policies identify certain online content as harmful and unwanted, such as spam or phishing websites, this content is usually prevented from reaching customers. Foremost limits the number of login, SMTP, DNS, and DHCP transactions per second at levels (at far above normal rates) that customers can send to Foremost servers in order to protect them against denial-of-service attacks. The exact rate limits are not disclosed in order to maintain the effectiveness of these measures.

Foremost does not:

• discriminate among specific uses, or class of uses, of its network;

• impair, degrade or delay VoIP applications or services that compete with its voice services or those of its affiliates;

• impair, degrade, delay or otherwise inhibit access by customers to lawful content, applications, services or non-harmful devices;

• impair free expression by actions such as slowing traffic from particular web sites or blogs;

• demand pay-for-priority or similar arrangements that directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic;

• prioritize its own application, services or devices or those of its affiliates; or

• discriminate among Internet providers or edge-service providers.

However, in order to make voice service available though our internet service, voice traffic is favored over internet traffic. Network Traffic Foremost does not block peer-to-peer network traffic or applications like BitTorrent, Gnutella, or others as part of its current network management practice. Foremost also does not prioritize any type of network traffic in a preferential manner. In order to protect its customers, Foremost blocks a limited number of ports that are commonly used to send spam, launch malicious attacks, or steal a customer’s information. It may be possible that congestion events could occur, particularly as may be related to service capacity of third parties used by Foremost, or as may be related to sudden changes in customer usage patterns. Where feasible, Foremost will address congestion issues through improvements to its network or the capacity purchased from other providers. Such processes take time to implement and may not be feasible in all situations. Therefore, Foremost reserves the right to monitor and identify which customer accounts are using the greatest amount of bandwidth during periods of heavy congestion and to work to provide solutions to address those issues. If a preferred solution cannot be worked out with the customer or customers, Foremost reserves the right to manage the internet traffic of high volume customers during periods of significant congestion. This means that the affected customers will still be able to access the internet and engage in activities that they desire, but during certain periods of time they may experience conditions such as longer times to download or upload files. It is expected that any periods of traffic management due to congestion will be brief and infrequent. Internet Products and Services Information Foremost provides a wide variety of internet services to meet each of its customer’s needs, which may vary in price depending upon location. Foremost expressly warrants its upload and download performance speeds in accord with an express agreement with each individual customer. These internet speeds are subject to slight variation and interference from components outside of the Foremost network; thus, Foremost only warrants those internet speeds measured on components solely within the Foremost network. Customer Information Privacy and Security Foremost maintains the privacy of customer proprietary network information in accord with Foremost’s Privacy Policy and FCC Rules. Foremost does not collect, store or use traffic information to profile its customers in order to sell additional services or for non-network management purposes. Additional Information For more information or to voice a complaint, please contact Customer Service. If any information found within our policies and agreements are inconsistent with this network management disclosure, this disclosure controls.